lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Cat in the Rain

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Miss Val

P.S: Write from this part on...

‘Avanti,’ George said. He looked up from his book.

In the doorway stood the maid. She held a big tortoiseshell

cat pressed tight against her and swung down

against her body.

‘Excuse me,’ she said, ‘the padrone asked me to bring

this for the Signora.’

14 comentarios:

  1. “Avanti,” George said. He looked up from his book. In the doorway stood the maid. She held a big tortoise-shell cat pressed tight against her and swung down against her body.
    “Excuse me,” she said, “the padrone asked me to bring this for the Signora.

    At that very moment the girl knew what she had to do. She had known it for a while now. Actually she had known it from the very first time she had seen the hotelkeeper.
    She wanted a man that could give her what she wanted and treat her like she wanted, a man that could give her a cat whenever she asked for it.
    And George was not that man. He was not even close.
    So, the girl took the wet cat, looked at George for the last time (he knew it was the last time), and went downstairs.

  2. “Avanti,” George said. He looked up from his book. In the doorway stood the maid. She held a big tortoise-shell cat pressed tight against her and swung down against her body.
    “Excuse me,” she said, “the padrone asked me to bring this for the Signora.
    'Oh my God, that's lovely!' the girl said- 'I'm going to thank the padrone'
    The women went out, down stairs and searched for the hotel-keeper. When she looked at him, he was sitting on a chair reading something that she couldn't understand at all.
    She sat in front of him and tried to understand what the book said, but she couldn't, it wasn't italian.
    'So thank you- she said, he looked at her- for the cat, i mean- The man watch her with a big smile
    'Your're welcome, thank God that the kitty is safe now!'
    They stared eachother and smiled. Second by second they were colser, so close enough to kiss, and this kiss seal what they really felt for the other one.

  3. Betti N.

    “Avanti,” George said. He looked up from his book. In the doorway stood the maid. She held a big tortoise-shell cat pressed tight against her and swung down against her body.
    “Excuse me,” she said, “the padrone asked me to bring this for the Signora.
    "What does this mean?" George asked. "What does this cat mean?" he asked again, now looking at his wife. "Nothing" she said, "It means nothing." She thanked the maid, took the cat and started to leave the room. George looked at her while she left.Then he kept on reading.
    She went down to the lobby but the hotelkeeper wasn't there anymore. Holding the warm body of the cat against hers, she stood there. After a few minutes a maid came by and saw her. "The padrone went home", she said, "he got a call from his Signora." The wife went out. It was still raining, and as she stopped walking the cat started to purr next to her legs. Then she saw him. He was walking away from the hotel. He turned around and saw her standing there. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She liked him so much. He smiled at her, raising his hand. He looked at her like no one had ever looked at her before. And he looked happy and sad at the same time. He looked tired as he turned around and walked away. At that moment she knew she wanted something better. That she deserved to be adored. That she deserved to be loved.
    She took the cat and started walking in again. Before entering the hotel she turned one last time and formed two words with her lips:
    "Good bye."

  4. 'Look! my new cat', she said. 'Do you like it?' 'Ofcourse' answerd him, but he continued with his reading. 'Look at me' she said.'I´m speaking to you! What's your Problem?!' 'Nothing, I´m just reading.' 'Come on baby, come with me to the bed.' She do what he said...
    It was could and she felt nothing. George looked at her but his face was indifferent. He took his book again and continued with his reading. She looked at him, but nothing happened. She took her clothes, gave him the las look and left the room in silence.
    She woke and woke. Maybe hours.
    There was her, Knocking at his door. He gave her a long hug. It started to rain again. There was the cat and they both, at the beginning.

  5. ‘Avanti,’ George said. He looked up from his book.
    In the doorway stood the maid. She held a big tortoiseshell
    cat pressed tight against her and swung down
    against her body.
    ‘Excuse me,’ she said, ‘the padrone asked me to bring
    this for the Signora.’
    "Grazie mille", said the wife. She closed the door and said to George:"look honey the hotelkeeper sent me a kitty". George looked up, saw the cat and said "great".
    She set down looking through the window. It was dark outside and still raining. the only thing that she could see was the lantern at the corner of the street.
    She saw him and wondered how could be her life with that man? She liked him. "he likes me too", thought she. The wife turned arround and saw a man, her husband, there,just reading a book. She looked down and she saw the cat. she decided that the cat's name wouldn't be George.
    She looked through the window again. "He's waiting for me" said the young lady.
    Sudenly she stood up, and said:" George. goodbye." He didn't said anything. he did not even move. The wife stood there a minute waiting for her husbands answer. He just turned the page.
    She didn't need anything else. The wife took the kitty, and left the room, opened the main exit, went to corner of the street and said: "Dammi il tuo amore".The hotelkeeper smiled and kised her.

    Claudia Fadic. 5/11/12

  6. ‘Avanti,’ George said. He looked up from his book.
    In the doorway stood the maid. She held a big tortoiseshell
    cat pressed tight against her and swung down
    against her body.
    ‘Excuse me,’ she said, ‘the padrone asked me to bring
    this for the Signora.’

    "The padrone?! why?!" said George while the girl recieved the cat with a big smile on her face. She turned around and said to her husband with a strong voice and lots of conviction.
    "Because he has been the only one who has heard what I wanted". And she left the room with the cat in her arms. And he stayed sitting. And he didn't said anything, he just let her go.

    Nicolas Corrales

  7. Avanti,’ George said. He looked up from his book.
    In the doorway stood the maid. She held a big tortoiseshell
    cat pressed tight against her and swung down
    against her body.
    ‘Excuse me,’ she said, ‘the padrone asked me to bring
    this for the Signora.’

    "The padrone" asked she nervous and struggling with herself.
    She looked at George and saw his impacted face.
    George stood decided from the bed, walked to the maid, took the cat from her arms and finally closed the door furious.
    "Why gave you the padrone a cat?" His face started to be red.
    "I.. I.. don't know. he.. he helped me outside and.." said she stammering.
    George came with big and decided steps closer to her and threw the cat to the bed.
    She was astonished. George never got angry. She covered her face with shivering hands and started to cry. Her body shook and her shoulders moved to the beat of her sobs.
    She tried to escape but George was grasping her wrists strongly.
    She knew what she had to do. Determined loosened his grip and gave him a blow in the stomach.
    She took the cat with tears in her eyes and ran to the door.
    She took the doorknob and before she left whispered "I'm done with this. Bye George" and closed the door with a bang.

    She finally put an end to this farce and knew exactly what to do at that moment.

    "Signora, si sono ben?" heared she at her back and tourned around.
    "Migliore possibile, ora che sei vicino a me"

    Barbara Mayers

  8. ‘Avanti,’ George said. He looked up from his book.
    In the doorway stood the maid. She held a big tortoiseshell
    cat pressed tight against her and swung down
    against her body.
    ‘Excuse me,’ she said, ‘the padrone asked me to bring
    this for the Signora.’

    the American girl was surprised from the hotel-keeper’s gesture, she remembered him like a gentleman and that situation caused her some chills, but a very good chill. In this moment the wife realized the real feeling has been taken place in their heart, she fell in love. She gathered strength to leave her husband (chan chan), she received the cat gratefully and ran to the hotel-keeper’s arms. With an emotional voice -‘I can’t survive without you, my dear hotel keeper’ the American girl told him. –‘let’s run away on the right!’ said the hotel-keeper, and the American girl answered ‘let’s carry our pretty kitty’ –‘of course my dear’.

    anne kunze

  9. Avanti,’ George said. He looked up from his book.
    In the doorway stood the maid. She held a big tortoiseshell
    cat pressed tight against her and swung down
    against her body.
    ‘Excuse me,’ she said, ‘the padrone asked me to bring
    this for the Signora.’
    'Ooh, it's so beautiful and really cute, thanks and could you thank the padrone for me?'- said the wife - 'you can leave now.'
    The maid went out and closed the door behind her.
    'I really wanted this kitty, isn't it cute George?'
    'Yeah, yeah, whatever you say' - said George, while reading.
    'You aren't even trying to pay me attention, George.'
    George put down the book he was reading. 'Can't you see I just want some peace and quite woman!' - said George with an upset voice - 'I don't care of your stupid and insingnificant needs, if you want something go and get it and leave me in peace.'
    She stood up and went out crying with the kitty in her hands, she knew that George wasn't the man for her from the very beginning.
    'Well, I think my task is complete here - said the cat- just promise me that you won't fall for stupid man like him again, you will be very important in the near future.'
    She looked with astonished eyes and tried to threw the cat away from her but it was like her body lost its strenght, and just had left some energy to say what she knew she had to say. 'I promise you.'
    And then the cat vanished in the air.
    Javiera Sánchez

  10. Avanti,’ George said. He looked up from his book.
    In the doorway stood the maid. She held a big tortoiseshell
    cat pressed tight against her and swung down
    against her body.
    ‘Excuse me,’ she said, ‘the padrone asked me to bring
    this for the Signora.’

    “It’s a cute cat” George said. “But why did he do that?” he slowly stand up from the bed, and looked directly into his wife’s eyes. “Why did he do that?” he asked again. The girl answered, with nervous doubtful tone “I guess he’s just a nice guy” George didn’t said a word for five eternal seconds. He just dropped the book on the bed, looked at the rain through the window, and said: “that seems too nice to me, what did you do with him?” After the first shock, the girl knew exactly how to react. She looked directly at George’s eyes, and said: “Good bye George.”

    She walked down the stairs slowly, step by step, without making any noise. She never looked back. The cat was purring in the wife’s arms. But when she finished her path, she saw to shadows, together in the living room. The maid and the padrone, together in a long kiss.

    She acted like nothing happened. They wouldn’t have stopped anyway. She walked out to the rain, thinking about George and the padrone. She even forgot that she was still holding the cat in her arms. This time, nobody told her to get back in. However, she got back into the hotel, walked up the stairs, step by step, and entered the room. George was still reading when she said: “I’m sorry George, why don’t we look for another Hotel?” The cat stopped it’s purring. He escaped from the girl’s arms and left the room. She didn’t even care.

    -Gabriel Osorio

  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. Avanti,’ George said. He looked up from his book.
    In the doorway stood the maid. She held a big tortoiseshell
    cat pressed tight against her and swung down
    against her body.
    ‘Excuse me,’ she said, ‘the padrone asked me to bring
    this for the Signora.’

    'Oh my god, thanks! And thanks to the padrone too', while taking the cat in her arms, 'he has been so nice with me the entire day...'
    'Don't worry Signora, i always do things like this for the guests', while leaving the room' besides, i love to get wet on the rain.
    'George, look at this cat, isn't it just a sweetness?' she said.
    'Yeah, yeah, whatever you say...'
    'You haven't even seen it!'
    'I'm trying to focus on the reading, not in a stupid cat.' he said a little upset.
    Suddenly, the cat jumped from the American's wife arms. It looked annoyed about the comment. It eyes were focused on the window. And then the cat started meowing. At the beginning the meows were normal, but the following ones were every time louder. The room started shaking after the fifth on, you could see the things falling to the floor and then...Peace, everything normal, the cat was in the exact same position, looking to the window.
    The wife was shocked, what has just happened? she said in her mind. But then, by the time she was gonna ask her husband about it, she noticed that he wasn't there anymore. Instead, the padrone was lying on the bed, reading.
    'Why are you here?' asked she astonished, 'Where is my husband?'
    'Are you ok?'said the padrone
    'Why are you asking me that?'she said even more impressed.
    'Because i am your husband.'

    Manuel Diaz V.
