lunes, 16 de abril de 2012

Review "An Inconvenient Truth" by Claudia Fadic

Review " An Inconvenient Truth" by Claudia Fadic

Dear reader,I will tell you about a movie that I saw at school.. The name of this movie is “An inconvenient truth” from Davis Guggenheim. It talks about Albert Gore best known as “Al” Gore and a presentation about the global warming that he has made. The movie is half documentary and half presentation. Al Gore talks about the unconscious killing of the planet. He also gives good ideas to change the government’s organization and save the world. Hemade a critic to how blind we make us and don´t realize what´s happening.In my opinion “An Inconvenient Truth” is a movie that everyone on this earth should watch. The movie is so Global and accurate just in a short time. I mean it is just what you needed to hear ans see from a reliable source. That way when you are talking about global warming you know that what you are saying is true. The movie gives also a feeling of satisfaction because it makes you believe that we still have a chance.As a conclusion I can say that “An Inconvenient Truth” is a movie that you should see and understand for a final reflection. It really clears your mind.

hi everybody

I want to tell you about a Global Warming’s presentation that called “An inconvenient truth” from Davis Guggenheim. It’s an inspirational movie in which Al Gore talks about the big problem which is global warming, the factors that cause it and how we can prevent the worsening situation. It makes me formulate a conclusion that is that we are the only culpable for this is happening. And if we don’t make a change, it is going to worsen. You have to see this movie, because it explain you in detail what is global warming. It shows you a few of examples of evidence that leaves global warming, for example glaciers are melting, plants and animals are being forced from their habitats, and the number or severe storms, droughts and a lot of others disasters is increasing.
There is no doubt we can solve this problem, we have a moral obligation to do so. It is a “planetary emergency” that we can resolve. More than a billion people are now aware of the issue and have been motivated to act. As the movie shows, we can reduce our carbon dioxide’s emissions; also we can plant a tree and be careful with our energy spending

domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

global warming

Hello peopole!!!
     Today I´m gonna write a review from the movie "An inconvenient truth" by David Guggenheim and Al Gore.
     When I was told that we were going to watch this movie in class, my first thought was: "another apocaliptic movie made to scare peopole and to make them build bunkers in their gardens." As we were watching this movie, my opinion started to change. I have never seen a documentary that delivers so much information without becoming bored or monotone. Al Gore use graphics, exaples from all around the world, metaphores and personal experiences not only to make a point, but to defend it, and to expand it.
    After having seen this movie, I relized that if we don't do something quick, we will be in a serious trouble. the effecs of global warning are not as simple as higher temperatures in summer. Al Gore's movie ins't ment to be a prophecy, it's a warning. it want us to do something, not only for us, but for the future generations, and for our planet. It remindes us that our planet is not as big as we think it is, it's just a pixel in an infinite space, but it's the only one that we have, so we must take care of it.
Gabriel Osorio

jueves, 12 de abril de 2012

"An inconvenient truth"

I had heard of this movie before, and had tried to watch the whole film for several times. Now this mission has been completed, as we finished it last class.
Rarely a movie has been as equally informative, inspiring and touching as this one. Al Gore manages to take us to a journey full of information, hard facts about the climate crisis and also deliver a message that is so much more than just "Do something about it". Alternately changing between his very well-executed slideshow presentation (that he has been given all over the world), personal stories of his own and illustrative examples, he explains in a simple way the climate crisis and changes, how it affects the planet and us as a society, and (in the end) how we can do our part.
What makes this movie, this documental a great film, is the message that it delivers. This message contains so much more than just information, facts, methods of change and possible solutions. It shows us how doing something about this global problem is a moral issue, how important it is to be conscious of what we have got and may lose, and the importance of setting priorities.
I highly recommend the movie, and think everyone could give it a try, regardless of what you think about Al Gore, because the intention and main subject of the movie is about so much more than that. It's about a matter that concerns us all.

Betti Neumann

Review of the film "An Inconvenient Truth" - Barbara Mayers

Hello! Hello!
Everything is fine? 
Well, today my topic will be this movie I saw a few days ago with my class called "An Inconvenient Truth" from Davis Guggenheim. I hope that every reader that beggins to read this review will finish it because it reflects the truth of our planet. 
Global warming is real and WE (humans) caused it.
This documentary is based on a speech that Al Gore, former Vice-President of the US, has been developing to create a concience on the citizen about the Global Warming.Our actions are affecting the ONLY planet we have to live and this is demostrated in this film by scientifically proven facts that we just don't want to assume. Al Gore is trying to convince the people, that our planet is getting warmer. He says that people don't want to assume it and uses the typical excuse "these are just cyclic changes".  He shows a lot of facts and satistics that corroborate his idea that affirms that the Earth IS REALLY getting warmer.
Al Gore stands in front of a graphic that shows the up and downs of the CO2 emissions in the past centuries and yes, there is a cyclical pattern.BUT in recent years the graph is going higher and higher off the chart. Is this a cyclical pattern too? PLEASE ! We have to open our eyes and realized that we started this and it is getting worse over time. Al Gore has alrready demostrate it in this film and it's time that we accept it and try to improve this situation with the advices given at the end of the film.

A lot of people find this topic boring and I know that many of you are thinking "Ok, another film of Global Warming, Co2 emissions and bla bla bla". Well, I'm not going to lie you. I saw a part of this film two years ago and I found it VERY BORING but I saw just like 20 min of this film. When I saw the movie with my class was the first time I saw it complete and I have now another perspective. This film does really get you. WE are creating this and if we continue like this there will be nothing we could do. This film will open your eyes and you will realize the seriousness of this issue.

The possibility of change is in our hands. LETS MAKE SOMETHING FOR OUR PLANET.

I hope you liked this.
Thanks for your attention (just for the ones who read this)
See Ya