miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

Hello everybody!

We are all on this!
A few days before we saw a very interesting movie about the Global Warming, well, I have seen this movie like 2 or 3 times before and I found it very boring :( but now when I watched this movie again (and complete for the firts time in my life) I get the message from this film and I realized how many things we do daily and how this DOES affect terribly our Earth and human race.

In the movie we can see evidences of The Global Warming and the effects of it too! We can not be so blind and say that nothing of this is real because it IS real, it IS happen, here and in every single part where we go.
There is a man who explain us all this effects and evidences of Global Warming, this man is Al Gore. This political figure help us to understand what is happening to our Earth with scientific evidence, so people can not say that this man is crazy or that he is telling us blasphemies.

Along all the movie we can see many graphics that show us how the number of pollution, ice melt, higher temperatures are rising since the Industrial Revolution. We can not wait for more natural disasters we must take care of our unique home. If we don't make it a lot of people will loses their homes, their families, they will lose everything even if they have nothing left to lose. We need to get together all our forces and wills and make a big change!

The future of our humanity is in our hands, we can change the course of the things, we just need to want it. And many of the solutions are just in front of us like recycling, reduce and re-use, this are simple ways to make a big change of what is ocurring in our home.

If you really care about your world you may see the movie, it explains a lot of what is happening in differents places of the Earth, it takes time but it does worth. We all need to be inquierd for make this place a better.

1 comentario:

  1. Interesting...
    I really liked your stand on the subject. Be careful with prepossitions and WO
    Well done
    Who are you anyways?
    Miss V
