martes, 10 de abril de 2012

"An inconvenient truth"

Written by Bernardita Salles
I watched the movie “An Inconvenient truth” who speaks about the Global Warming. I now that a lot of people think that this issue isn’t important, or think that it doesn´t matter, because they don´t be here in some years or they don´t want to spend money in something that don´t give they anything in return. There are people too, that don´t know the effect that the global warming produce or what would happen if they don´t do anything to change.
The movie gives us information about the effect, the evidence and what could we do to prevent the global warming. It shows a lot of images; graphics and things that we need know to prevent the catastrophe. It shows the different places where we have an evidence of the global warming. It is so impressive look this places, because they are around the all world. The factors that produce this evidence are terrible. There are ice malting, hurricanes, precipitations, flooding, droughts, some burnings and of course the temperature increasing.  It shows the countries that contaminated a lot and how they contaminated.
Something that takes my attention was one message who speak with a lot of truth: “do the right things move´s us forward” I found it so important. Because this sentence shows us that we must responding at the global warming. It is difficult, but we need answer, because it is the only way to survive.
I think that this movie was very interesting, because it shows us our reality and no the things that we only imagine. It shows how really affect our acts in this World. I recommend it. No why it is funny, so because it teaches us and shows how really the world is in this moment.

1 comentario:

  1. Berny,
    I really love the fact that you put a lot of effort when doing things...

    I liked your review and my only comments are regarding some spelling and grammar, which we can talk about when we see eachother.
    My advices are basically the same I gave you for your letter and email... concentrate when writing!!
    Miss V
