domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

global warming

Hello peopole!!!
     Today I´m gonna write a review from the movie "An inconvenient truth" by David Guggenheim and Al Gore.
     When I was told that we were going to watch this movie in class, my first thought was: "another apocaliptic movie made to scare peopole and to make them build bunkers in their gardens." As we were watching this movie, my opinion started to change. I have never seen a documentary that delivers so much information without becoming bored or monotone. Al Gore use graphics, exaples from all around the world, metaphores and personal experiences not only to make a point, but to defend it, and to expand it.
    After having seen this movie, I relized that if we don't do something quick, we will be in a serious trouble. the effecs of global warning are not as simple as higher temperatures in summer. Al Gore's movie ins't ment to be a prophecy, it's a warning. it want us to do something, not only for us, but for the future generations, and for our planet. It remindes us that our planet is not as big as we think it is, it's just a pixel in an infinite space, but it's the only one that we have, so we must take care of it.
Gabriel Osorio

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Gabriel,
    Very well written. Basically, my comments for you are the same as in the letter and email. Be more careful with spelling and tenses...
    For example,
    line 8, is "Al Gore USES (not use)"
    line 14, "It wants us to..."
    just to mention a few.

    All in all, well done!
    Miss V
