miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

Review and opinion of “An Inconvenient truth” – Javiera

Dear world,
I think we all are aware or at least have heard something about the actual Global Warming.  Well, “An Inconvenient truth” is a movie directed by Davis Guggenheim, Written by Al Gore and Starring Al Gore that explains the truth behind the blindness of humans when it comes to face this issue. 

 Al Gore shows things that we see or hear about everyday in the news, like typhoons, floods, droughts, and other disasters that happen in places and times they never happened before, or at least they were not so devastating. He express how impressive it is that we humans can close our eyes and really believe that there is not a problem that, it is just an illusion, a trick of our minds and in fact that’s what we do, don’t you think? Just shut our minds up in the idea that this isn’t really happening or if it’s real, then it will solve itself and that we in a strange way just have nothing to do with it.

Well, I really believe that this movie reflects very well the state of the world in these moments and of our governments,  that are not capable to see it. And it’s not just them; we also don’t see it so clearly. It’s true that we know what is happening, we recognize the problem and also we know forms to change it, but of all of us, how many do really change not only their way of thinking, also their way of  acting?

Finally, I want to propose to all of you readers, that you see this movie, because you know you have time to watch this impressive movie and I hope that you can see in it what is happening and what we can do to fight back.

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Javi,
    Your review is very clear. I liked the emphasis you made on the fact that people must watch this movie.
    Well done,
    Miss V
