jueves, 12 de abril de 2012

"An inconvenient truth"

I had heard of this movie before, and had tried to watch the whole film for several times. Now this mission has been completed, as we finished it last class.
Rarely a movie has been as equally informative, inspiring and touching as this one. Al Gore manages to take us to a journey full of information, hard facts about the climate crisis and also deliver a message that is so much more than just "Do something about it". Alternately changing between his very well-executed slideshow presentation (that he has been given all over the world), personal stories of his own and illustrative examples, he explains in a simple way the climate crisis and changes, how it affects the planet and us as a society, and (in the end) how we can do our part.
What makes this movie, this documental a great film, is the message that it delivers. This message contains so much more than just information, facts, methods of change and possible solutions. It shows us how doing something about this global problem is a moral issue, how important it is to be conscious of what we have got and may lose, and the importance of setting priorities.
I highly recommend the movie, and think everyone could give it a try, regardless of what you think about Al Gore, because the intention and main subject of the movie is about so much more than that. It's about a matter that concerns us all.

Betti Neumann

1 comentario:

  1. Betti,
    I loved you review!
    Just a few details...
    You say "Documentary" (not documental)

    I guess that's it!
    Congrats on your work

    Miss V
