jueves, 12 de abril de 2012

Dear readers,
a few days ago I saw a movie, called "An Inconvenient Truth", in wich Al Gore talked about global warming, its causes, its consequences and what can be done to prevent it. I could not tell if I really liked it. Why? Well, it is a very interesting film indeed, but as the title itself sais, it is an inconvenient truth. It is not something that you enjoy saying. One does not simply hear "hey you are going to die in a few years if you keep living like this" and not get affected by it. And that is exactly why I recommend everyone to see it, because it is an eye-opening movie, that we all need to see in order to know what is going on, and stop it once and for all. Too long have we being polluting the earth. I will show you one of the most shocking images of An Inconvenient Trut, wich might depict the entire movie, and let those of you who have not seen it, know a bit of what it is like.

There you can see how CO2 has risen. Shocking, right? Well, I don't want to ruin this movie by telling you too much about it, but what I will tell you, is that you have to see it, and change the way you live.
Now, to finish this post, I want to leave you with 2 sentences, wich I find both beautiful and horrifying.

“Only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last river has been poisoned, only after the last fish has been caught, only then will you find that money cannot be eaten”. Cree Indian Prophecy

We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children.
~ Ancient American Indian Proverb

Best regards,

Nicolas H.

2 comentarios:

  1. Very insightful Nicolas. I really enjoyed reading it.
    However, your position is kind of confusing to me ...
    At the begining you state that you "could not tell if I[you] really liked it."
    How ever, in the end you said "what I will tell you, is that you have to see it, and change the way you live."

    So... what's your stand?

    Miss V

  2. Well, I mean that I do not know for sure if I like it, but it is a movie that everyone HAS to see, as an eye-opener, to know what is going on. It is a shicking movie that maybe not everyone likes, but that has to be seen regardless.

    Dear Regards

    Nicolas H
