martes, 10 de abril de 2012

Review "An Inconvinient Truth" - Nicolas

Dear "co-humans",
Today I'm writing to tell you about the documentary film we saw in our class, called "An Inconvinient Truth" from the director Davis Guggenheim. This film focuses on the former vice-president of the United States, Al Gore, and his point of view on these important topic, the global warming, and a conference he gave in order to create concience on the people from many cities and countries arround the globe. In this movie he presented evidence and proofs on this well debated (but not solved jet) subject, that helps to convince the people of this fact: our planet is getting warmer. That is the inconvinient truth Al Gore's talking about, the Earth's temperature is actually increasing, so what he does is just to aware people of it, and convice them ,with the facts and stadistics, that it's truth. At least that is what he caused on me, he has shown us so many proofs of it that it is almost impossible to contradict him. In my opinion it's a great movie because it's capable of change some people's way of thinking about the environmental crisis, and what we can do about it. Also at the end, it give us some advices on how to reduce our CO2 emission and with it the incireasing of global temperature.

In this picture we can see what, in my opinion, are the principal reasons to see the movie:
  • First. Mr. Al Gore uses lots of interactive material to explain the peolple some topics that are not very simple, so if you didn't understand it the first time you heard it, will probably be clear now, so you actually get convinced of those facts you hadn't understood until now.
  • Second. with this interactive material, he shows you really intesting facts that you probably already knew, but this movie helps you to conect the dots and generate your own conclusions about the global warming and it's impact. So you really kind of feel guilty after watching the movie becase is our fault, and we haven't dane anything to stop it jet.
So it's our turn to do something to revert this, let's reduce our carbon emissions!

Thanks for reading

1 comentario:

  1. I like your commentary. I think that you have done a good review of the film and I think good that you explain the picture. So we can anderstand all the idea and know why you chose that picture.

    B. Salles
